Monday, August 31, 2009

Illuminati vs. The Children

Starting a expose' discussion here on Illuminati propaganda in Children's television and toys...

If I were to expose every drop of programming in every children's show, tv ads, and movies, I wouldn't have a life to live. It is clear that there are many people who's lives are solely dedicated to programming the masses through television media, and none are probably considered more important than the ones dedicated to programming the children while they are still young, naive, hypnotized, and susceptible.

A youtube search of various Children's cartoons and the word "New World Order" will reveal many shows that featured the NWO somewhere in their plot... From grims adventures of bill and mandy's "The New World Order gives me presents", to Spiderman Unlimited's New World Order via the "High Evolutionary" society....

Searching through Illuminati subliminals within spongebob reveals a checkerboard road to a giant all-seeing eye door, with Mr. Magic inside... to Spongebob and Patrick declaring "by the Order of The All-Seeing Eye" while bowing & wearing fez hats with an eyeball on them... to an entire episode about Squidward's freemason-like Cephelapod Lodge complete with All-Seeing Eyes and Illuminati Pyramid.

That's not all for blatant Illuminati symbolism... We also have Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide, giving us a nearly split second scene of a girl shaking a pyramid with a stylized eye of horus on it... Here's a screen shot with a zoom.

Then you've got ICarly's IFight TV movie, which glorifies todays extreme fighting sports... They couldn't help but giving some symbolic nods to their favorites... The Pentagram, The Bull God, and even Carl Marx? ...and of course, scantily clad underage girls.

While this next example may have had a better home in the collection of Transhuman propaganda... Here is a very special brainwash from the greater overall brainwash called "My Life As A Teenage Robot".

THIS, is Armegedroid...

"Villian? I am Armegedroid. My mission is noble, my purpose is pure. I will not rest until I have rid this planet of weaponry. I am the peace-maker. Now Perish!"

Now commence the literal "gun grabbing"...

This next photo, is from Nickelodeon's new promo bumpers for Iron Man... Another peice of Transhuman propaganda that involves brain chips that can control the human mind... Of course, they couldn't resist using their re-occuring Lucifer's Lightning Bolt theme. Maybe lightning is supposed to be Loserfer's original lazerzzz.. ha! Interestingly, the lightning bolt in this picture is also used to form an SS.

Lightning bolts (often in a circle) are on so many corporate logos, superhero logos (think Flash), band logos (grateful dead, marilyn manson), and even in the boardgame Warhammer 40,000 (which also uses the Double-headed eagle as it's main logo).

The worst part is that the "We'll be back" bumpers during the Laser Awesome programming block, feature a very prominent Security Camera taking up most of the screen... I wonder why.....hmmm.


This is probably the worst I've seen in toys... It is the Playmobil Pyramid toy and is rather huge in size!

Here's the box to a new Ramses's Pyramid boardgame made by Lego, with the offending image Zoom-boxed... Last I checked, Ramses's actual pyramid doesn't have any illuminated capstones with evil deity eyes above it.

This little puzzle toy for your small child is the Little Einstein's golden pyramid mystery... It involves a red decoder magnifying glass that you put over spots inside the pyramid to reveal a mystery picture/clue... What are the clues? but an eyeball of course! One single eyeball in every single clue spot (this is much easier to notice on the actual box in the store).

There is also a DVD based on the toy called "Little Einstein's The Legend Of The Golden Pyramid"... One can only imagine how much symbolism is likely programmed into that deal.

Gee... what a totally original design this PC case is...

In Conclusion:

These are only the tip of the iceberg that has been hitting our kids hard for a longgg time. Please share your finds and experiences in the comments as I UNFORTUNATELY promise there is loads more than these.



  1. Research has found that no evidence that subliminal messages influence opinion or behavior. This has been studied and known by researchers, corporations, and governments for decades. This finding is based on experimental design. However, it is reasonable to assume that if the Illuminati exists, they might believe such things work to influence opinion anyways, regardless of the findings. My point is though, even if the Illuminati still exists, and even if they control the media and put esoteric symbolism into products (which are two big leaps of speculation in and of themselves), it is another leap of speculation that children are picking up on that symbolism and having their opinions shaped by it.

    Children are having their opinions shaped in much more overt ways that we ought to be more concerned about. This is to say, we should be concerned with the under-performance of African American boys in public schools, and the discrimination they often face (which is overt mind-control), and not so concerned about the fact that children play with little toy Egyptian pyramids. As a kid, I loved ancient Eqypt so I played with all those pyrammid-type things. It wasn't because I'd been trained to love the Illuminati, it was because I loved archaeology. Pyramids in ancient Egypt had capstones, and even if a few didn't, the commonly accepted, archetypal image of a pyramid includes a capstone. It makes sense that if a toy is going to be Ancient Eqypt related, that pyramids would factor in somewhere. That isn't a conspiracy, that's just what people expect to see.

    By the same reasoning, you could also say that because Chinese food restaurants all use images of dragons and other china-related imagery, they must all be part of the same [dragon-related-conspiracy]. You could say that "it's no coincidence" that nearly all "chinese" restaurants would have "chinese-looking dragons" in their marketing. However, the simplest explaination is typically the right one, or at least the more reasonable one, so it is more reasonable to assume that, as Sociologists say, the principle of "like things becoming more similar over time as part of capitalism's economic feedback" makes the most sense in explaining the phenomenon. In the same sense, the reason you see pyramids in toys about ancient Eqypt is because people have come to expect it when they buy toys about ancient Egypt.

    Some of these examples you make are indeed coincidences, but some aren't. The Spongebob example is not a coincidence, but it is not proof of an Illuminati-controlled conspiracy either. What it is, is a bunch of unrelated "secret society" tropes, some from Freemasonry, in service of the plot of the episode, which is overtly about joining some fictional secret society. When Spongebob is working at a fast food joint, you're going to see the trappings of a fast-food joint (the tacked up paper orders, the window to the register...etc. When Spongebob goes to a secret society, you're going to see the trappings of a secret society. And since Freemasonry is the largest secret society in the world, that's the one they draw from. It's not placed there to control children's minds, it's there because it's there in real life and the episode is simply referencing it.

    If enough people believe that something is true (that the Illuminati is real), their behavior can make it true (that Illuminati images start becoming associated with everyday events and images), and observations of their behavior may turn increase belief (commentary about the Illuminati existing becomes self-referential of the work of other conspiracy theorists, rather than any official source. This is the simplest explanation.

    1. Yeah because if subliminal messages didnt work coca cola would still spend $10 million on just one stupid commercial for the super bowl and a good $2.8 billion every year just for your entertainment.
      You know what? go a head and keep living in your Roman ways. When you choose to be this ignorant you deserve to be exploited and taken advantage off by these elites. You probably watched a lot of disney as a kid too besides loving your egyptian toys.You seem to have forgotten that science (probably the only source you would sorta trust) has even proven we only use 5% of our brain. Yours may even have less since even this information doesnt trigger go jerk off to some reptilian porn and enjoy your self proclaimed 'free' life.
